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The auction was successful and the team is setting up liquidity now.
Click here to see the UND token on Arbiscan
$UND Auction
Community first - no VCs, no presale, no private round, no whitelist, no huge insider allocations
Descending price auction - community decides fair valuation
Everybody receives the same price!
Tokens left
Balance: 0 ETH
Early Bird
10% bonus
Second Wave
5% bonus
Last Chance

You're not participating yet!

Committing earlier secures your spot in the auction and ensures it won't be sold out without you.
You are still guaranteed to get the same price as everyone else - including the people committing after you.

Deciding to commit later allows you to wait for a lower maximum price, but carries the risk of the auction being sold out without you getting an allocation.

How price is determined

Price declines with every block from starting price (0.000333 ETH per UND) to floor price / soft cap (0.0000333 ETH per UND).

You can commit at any point and be guaranteed to get the current price or better!

Auction ends when total ETH committed equals all tokens sold at current price.

Claiming process

After the auction concludes, team will set up liquidity on Uniswap v3.

Immediately after you can claim your UND right here from this page.



Bonuses will be in $eUND and claimable separately a few days after tokensale concludes.

Refer to Earn

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